Christ Deliverance Ministries Internet Church


Psalms for Today
Proverb for Today
TODAY's MESSAGE Special Offers *NEW*
* HEALING with Communion *
*LINKS* Two Questions (??)
Tenents of Faith
Communion with Pastor Herb
Discernment Herb & Sandy's Home Page

Pastor's Herb and Sandy Pohlmeyer welcome you to Christ Deliverance Ministries Internet Church with prayer for today and hope for tomorrow. CDM Internet Church has been established for the equipping of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the building up of the body of Christ. Pastor Herb has always had a vision that the church should be available '24/7'. (All Day - Every Day)

Pastor Herb had a vision from the Lord that it was time to "cast your net into the sea". The "net" being the internet and the "sea" the people.

Pastor's Herb and Sandy have been Christians since August of 1978. They have served the Lord in various capacities since and were ordained under Christ Deliverance Ministries, Inc. in 1998 by Rev. Irene Park, the founder and director.

As only a Christian can understand, it's with mixed emotions that I must report that Irene Arrington Park has gone home to be with the Lord. We are sad for our loss, but rejoice that she can finally rest from her labors. She was quite a warrior. Reverand Irene Park was an Internationally known author, evangelist, and speaker. She is most noted for her book: The Witch That Switched. Irene wrote and spoke from first hand experience on how the enemy of our faith only wants to steal, kill, and destroy everything that God has planted in our lives. Irene Park is 'The Witch That Switched'.

"The Witch That Switched" is a book that will take you from her seemingly innocent child's play to total addiction. It's a wonderful picture of the never falling Love of Jesus even when we turn our backs on Him. He is ever faithful and calls us to Himself. When we are 'born again' we are truly 'babes in Christ'! Ever watch a baby take his or her first steps? Well, Irene did with an intecessor under each arm at the age of 43. Be sure to get your copy of her life changing story.

It has been part of Pastor Herb's vision to have Rev. Irene Park's book, and her booklets, and tapes available via the internet. The 'Special Offer' page has finally been updated to the 'Special Offers' page. Now in addition to Irene's book, "The Witch That Switched", there are all 7 of Irene's booklets available in PDF format for download at less than 1/2 the original price. Plus you will find an initial trek into the 'Psalms' with the anointed music of recording artist, Fran Zupp. These are all like 'hidden treasures' is this vast WWW (World Wide Web) that once you've found them you should take the necessary steps to secure your copies and tell others how they can get theirs. Don't miss these opportunities to grow in your walk with the Lord!

Have you ever heard the expression, "Made in the Shade"? Click here for Pastor Herb's explanation.

Send email to Pastor Herb