CDM Internet Church

HEALING with Communion

I believe that God is restoring communion to the church today. Communion was taken 'house to house' in the early church and this breaking of bread was a daily occurrence. Holy Communion was an act of remembering God's covenant with His people. These teachings on communion are essential for the church today as we approach the end of the age. God intended for the new testament chruch to take communion daily for their spiritual and physical health. It is time for us to take the cup of salvation and break the bread of life daily. He has provided for us, Spirit, Soul, and Body by our observance of communion.
If you find yourself like the 'woman with the issue of blood', who had spent all her living on doctors and yet found no relief. When she determined "IN HERSELF" that if she would just 'touch the hem of his garmet' she would be healed. If you need to renew your HOPE and find your healing in God... please read these messages and start to take communion with me! It will change your life!

Communion Part I

Communion Part II

Communion Part III

Communion Part IV

Communion Part V

Communion Part VI

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